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Ninja Saga Cheat Open All Hair Style Permanent June 2012

cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012

Ninja Saga hack june 2012, open all hair style permanent with fiddler still work 100% so i wll share now,
how to use the cheat
tools: fiddler
file swf: 

Copy Link and Paste To the new bar In Your Browser

pass: cheat-afrix

1. download file swf and darg file to fiddler
2. if you use browse firefox open fiddler and clear chace
3. force traffic to fiddler (on the bottom right)
cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012
4. open ninja saga
5. go to style shop
cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012

cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012

cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012

cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012

cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012

cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012

cheat ninja saga june 2012
cheat ninja saga june 2012
If cheat not working, reload ninja saga / look at video
Tutorial Video

Description: Ninja Saga Cheat Open All Hair Style Permanent June 2012
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Afrix Kancil
ItemReviewed: Ninja Saga Cheat Open All Hair Style Permanent June 2012
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