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ATM EXP GOLD Delay 10sec [Avademy] - full tutorial

ATM Exp Gold 10sec [academy]
Any One have some problem cheat using Fiddler? Now I'll gift you Full Tutorial Cheat ATM Exp Gold Ninja Saga August 2012 and make it work. Now this default delay this hack is 10 sec, and the location in Academy Ninja Saga. OK Lets go to the scene

Tutorial :
  1. Download Fiddler2 >> Instal
    (If you already have Fiddler don't do it)
  2. Download the Swf File in Sharebeast
    (Just click the Download Btn at the Right) 
  3. Open Fiddler 2 >> Drag the Swf File
  4. Now Must "Clear Chache" Your Browser
  5. Go to Ninja Saga
  6. Select Character your character
  7. Find what are the Features of this Cheat in .text file
  8. Let's try, Enjoy ! ( Happy Cheatings... )
Tutorial Clear Chache :
  • Google chrome: click CTRL + Shift + Delete >> check Empty Chache
    >> Clear Browsing Data
  • Mozilla firefox : click CTRL + Shift + Delete >> cleck Chache >> Clear Now
Credit: HC

Full Tutorial use Cheat (click here) to View [Youtube HD]
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